Volume: 2019, Issue: 0 (56 Articles)
Research Article
Title: Traktör İmalatında Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri ile Tedarikçi Seçimi
Authors: Tijen Over Özçelik, Sıla Azer Eryılmaz
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:498-512
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Viewed: (33) times
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Research Article
Title: Entegre MC-HFLTS & MAIRCA ve MABAC Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Yeraltı Çöp Konteynerleri İçin Kapsamlı Bir Yer Seçimi Problemi Analizi
Authors: Elif Kılıç Delice, Tuba Adar, Şeyma Emeç, Gökay Akkaya
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:15-33
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Viewed: (28) times
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Research Article
Title: Türkiye'deki Hidroelektrik Santrallerin Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi (VZA) ile Değerlendirilmesi
Authors: Şeyma Emeç, Tuba Adar, Gökay Akkaya, Elif Kılıç Delice
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:34-45
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Viewed: (54) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Bakıma İhtiyaç Duyan Yaşlılar İçin Yardımcı Sosyal Robot Araştırması ve Analizi
Authors: Kerime Arzu Baloğlu, Uğur T. Kaplancalı, Selcen Kılıç
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:1-8
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Viewed: (61) times
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Research Article
Title: BWM-MOPA Yöntemi ile En İyi RFID Sisteminin Belirlenmesi
Authors: Ercan Şenyiğit, Zehra Ünal
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:9-14
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Viewed: (26) times
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Research Article
Title: Yapay Bağışıklık Algoritmaları ile Web Trafik Verilerinde Anomali Tespiti
Authors: Emre Dandıl, Kadir İlhan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:46-56
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Viewed: (37) times
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Research Article
Title: Yüz İfadesine Göre Satranç Oynayan Robot: Çolak
Authors: Şafak Kayıkçı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:57-63
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Viewed: (45) times
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Research Article
Title: Toplu Yemek Üretiminde Günlük Talep Tahmini için Alternatif Bir Yaklaşım: Öğrenci Regresyon
Authors: Derya Yergök, Mehmet Acı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:64-73
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Viewed: (51) times
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Research Article
Title: Akıllı Ev Sistemleri için Geliştirilen Yapay Sinir Ağı Tabanlı Gezgin Hizmet Robotu
Authors: Cevdet Tamer Güven, Mehmet Acı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:74-81
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Viewed: (40) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Otonom Robotlarla Lokalizasyon ve Nokta Bulutu Tabanlı 3B Haritalama
Authors: Selya Açıkel, Ahmet Gökçen
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:82-92
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Viewed: (31) times
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Research Article
Title: Yüksek Boyutlu Test Fonksiyonlarında Ağaç Tohum Algoritmasının Performans Analizi
Authors: Mehmet Beşkirli
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:93-101
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Viewed: (48) times
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Research Article
Title: Katman Kaydırma Yaklaşımı ve Hibrit Dizi İstifleme Algoritması Kullanarak Depolama Konumu Atama Probleminin Uygulanması
Authors: Ercan Şenyiğit, Murat Suat Arsav
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:102-108
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Viewed: (29) times
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Research Article
Title: Robotik Yürüme Egzersizleri Sırasında Alt Ekstremite Kas Gruplarındaki EMG İşaretlerinin İncelenmesi
Authors: Esma Uzunhisarcıklı, Mehmet Bahadır Çetinkaya, Uğur Fidan, İsmail Çalıkuşu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:109-118
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Viewed: (36) times
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Research Article
Title: Hastene Çalışanları ve Yetişkinlerin Öğreniminde Sanal Öğrenme Ortamlarının (Moodle) Optimal Kullanımı: Kimin, Neyin ve Nasıl Öğrenileceğinin Temel Anlayışı ile ADDIE Modelinin Kullanımı
Authors: Ebru Heyberi-tenekeci
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:119-129
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Viewed: (39) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Computation and Assessment of Environmental Emissions Resulting from Traffic Operations at Roundabouts
Authors: Göktuğ Tenekeci
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:130-145
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Viewed: (31) times
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Research Article
Title: Robotik Uygulamalar İçin Prizmatik Kesitli Millerin Burulması Esasına Dayanan Elastik Eyleyici Tasarımı
Authors: Murat Reis
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:146-151
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Viewed: (32) times
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Research Article
Title: Indoor Localization Using Artificial Bee Colony with Levy Flight
Authors: Radhwan Ali Abdulghani Saleh, Rüştü Akay
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:152-156
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Viewed: (38) times
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Research Article
Title: Enerji Tabanlı Konuşma Aktivitesi Belirleme Algoritmalarının Gürültülü Konuşma Sinyalleri için İncelenmesi
Authors: Selma Özaydın
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:157-163
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Viewed: (76) times
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Research Article
Title: Gerçek Zamanlı Veri Takibinde Zamanın Modellenmesi
Authors: Onur Yolal, Tuğrul Artuğ
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:164-170
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Viewed: (52) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Uçuş Veri Kaydedicisi Verilerinden Bulanik Mantik Yöntemi ile İrtifa Tahmini
Authors: Sancak Demiryürek, Mustagime Tülin Yıldırım
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:171-176
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Viewed: (40) times
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Research Article
Title: İnsan Bilgisayar Etkileşimi ile Proprioseptif Duyuların Geliştirilmesi
Authors: Uğur Fidan, Mehmet Yıldız, Aslıhan Şahan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:177-184
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Viewed: (45) times
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Research Article
Title: Clarke & Wright Tasarruf Algoritması ve Genetik Algoritmaya Dayalı Uçan Yardımcılı Gezgin Satıcı Problemi
Authors: Büşra Özoğlu, Emre Çakmak, Tuğçe Koç
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:185-192
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Viewed: (71) times
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Research Article
Title: Tesis Yerleştirme (p-Hub) Probleminin Yapay Arı Kolonisi Kullanılarak Çözülmesi
Authors: Mehmet Fatih Tefek, Mehmet Beşkirli
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:193-200
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Viewed: (38) times
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Research Article
Title: Parçacık Sürü Optimizasyon Algoritması Kullanılarak Optimum Robot Yolu Planlama
Authors: Mehmet Beşkirli, Mehmet Fatih Tefek
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:201-213
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Viewed: (41) times
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Research Article
Title: Mürekkepbalığı Şekilli Amfibi Robot için Bir Tasarım Metodolojisi
Authors: Erdem Arslan, Kadir Akça
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:214-224
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Viewed: (43) times
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Research Article
Title: Classification of Melanoma Images Using Modified Teaching Learning Based Artificial Bee Colony
Authors: Radhwan Ali Abdulghani Saleh, Rüştü Akay
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:225-232
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Viewed: (40) times
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Research Article
Title: Ab-initio Hesaplamalardaki Hatalar Üzerine Polarizasyon Fonksiyonlarının İbuprofen İçin Etkisi
Authors: Nil E. Binbay, Veysel Binbay
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:233-241
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Viewed: (33) times
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Research Article
Title: Altı Bacaklı ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) Tabanlı Yürüyüş Kontrol Algoritması ile Standard Yürüyüş Düzenlerinin Karşılaştırılması
Authors: Şahin Yıldırım, Erdem Arslan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:242-255
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Viewed: (35) times
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Research Article
Title: Geçiş Metalleri İçin Yürütülen DFT Hesaplamalarına Başlangıç Konfigürasyonunun Etkisi
Authors: Nil E. Binbay, Veysel Binbay, Murat Aydemir, Feyyaz Durap, Nermin Meriç, Cezmi Kayan, Nevin Arslan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:256-269
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Viewed: (44) times
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Research Article
Title: Kitosan/Karbon Nanotüp Katkili Kompozit Yaprak Yayların Mekanik Davranışları
Authors: Hasan Çallıoğlu, Furkan Kavla
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:270-283
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Viewed: (37) times
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Research Article
Title: Şifreleme Yöntemleri ve RSA Algoritması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Authors: Ayşe Beşkirli, Durmuş Özdemir, Mehmet Beşkirli
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:284-291
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Viewed: (65) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: ImpSlidingWindow: Kayan Pencere Tabanlı Akan Veri Özetleme Yönteminin Performansını Arttırmaya Yönelik Yeni Bir Model
Authors: Ali Şenol, Hacer Karacan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:292-301
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Viewed: (31) times
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Research Article
Title: Yiyecek ve İçecek İşletmelerinde Talep Tahmini: Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Regresyon Yöntemleriyle Bir Karşılaştırma
Authors: Oğuzhan Sönmez, Kenan Zengin
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:302-308
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Viewed: (49) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Derin Konvolüsyon Ağı ile Dermatoskopik Görüntülerde Deri Lezyonlarının Sınıflandırılması
Authors: Emrah Çevik, Kenan Zengin
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:309-318
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Viewed: (56) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: DeepGraphNet: Grafiklerin Sınıflandırılmasında Derin Öğrenme Modelleri
Authors: Gökhan Altan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:319-327
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Viewed: (57) times
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Research Article
Title: Mikro Modüllü Dişli-Mil Sıkı Geçme Bağlantılarında Mil Çapı ve Delik Toleransının Gerilme Dağılımına Etkisi
Authors: Tuğçe Tezel
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:330-335
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Viewed: (47) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Parallel Machine Scheduling with WMSD Risk Considerations
Authors: Ercan Şenyiğit, Uğur Atıcı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:336-342
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Viewed: (26) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Güneş Paneli Temizleme Robotu Tasarımı ve Uygulaması
Authors: Ömür Akyazı, Erdinç Şahin, Timur Özsoy, Mehmet Algül
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:343-348
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Viewed: (70) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Bir Deniz İstasyonunda Dışarı Giden Konteynerler için Depolama Konumu Atama Problemi
Authors: Ercan Şenyiğit, Murat Suat Arsav
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:349-355
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Viewed: (45) times
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Research Article
Title: Fotovoltaik Panel ve Şebeke Entegrasyonlu Akıllı Sokak Lambası Tasarımı ve Uygulaması
Authors: Ömür Akyazı, Erdinç Şahin, Doğan Can Kahveci
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:356-360
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Viewed: (54) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Düşme Algılama Sistemi Tasarımı
Authors: Mehmet Yüksekkaya, Berna Yayla, Muhammed Mehdi Menteş, Orhan Erdem Haberal
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:361-366
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Viewed: (46) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Polimeraz Zincir Tepkimesi İçin bir Sıcaklık Çevrimcisi Tasarımı
Authors: Mehmet Yüksekkaya, Ayçanur Tekin, Merve Nil Yamandır
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:367-374
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Viewed: (51) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Sedimandaki Ağır Metal Konsantrasyonunun Çoklu Değişken Regresyon Modelleri ve Çok Katmanlı Algılayıcı Ağ Modeli ile Tahmini
Authors: İsmail İşeri, Sema Arıman
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:389-397
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Viewed: (52) times
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Research Article
Title: Mini Floresan Mikroskop Tasarımı
Authors: Mehmet Yüksekkaya, Buket Şahin, Gülnihal Özel
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:398-403
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Viewed: (27) times
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Research Article
Title: Lenf Kanserine İlişkin Patoloji Görüntülerinin Makine Öğrenimi Yöntemleri ile Sınıflandırılması
Authors: Ayşe Berika Varol, İsmail İşeri
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:404-410
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Viewed: (57) times
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Research Article
Title: Karabük İlindeki Alçak Gerilim Dağıtım Sistemlerinde Elektrik Tüketiminin Analizi
Authors: Mehmet Fahri Yapıcıoğlu, Hasan Hüseyin Sayan, Hakan Terzioğlu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:411-417
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Viewed: (110) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Asenkron Motorun Çalışma Parametrelerinin SCADA ile İzlenmesinin Tasarımı
Authors: Hakan Terzioğlu, Abdullah Cem Ağaçayak, Gökhan Yalçın, Süleyman Neşeli
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:418-427
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Viewed: (53) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Servomotorun SCADA ile Kontrolü
Authors: Hakan Terzioğlu, Gökhan Yalçın, Mustafa Kısa
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:428-435
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Viewed: (40) times
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Research Article
Title: Genel Görsel Betimleyicilerden Faydalanarak Oltalayıcı Web Sayfalarında Marka Tanıma
Authors: Esra Eroğlu, Ahmet Selman Bozkır, Murat Aydos
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:436-443
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Viewed: (37) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Bir Açık Küme Problemi Olarak Yerel Görsel Betimleyicilerle Oltalayıcı Web Sayfalarının Tanınması
Authors: Ahmet Selman Bozkır, Murat Aydos
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:444-451
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Viewed: (32) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Derin Öğrenme İle Meme Kanseri Tanısının Doğruluğunun Geliştirilmesi
Authors: İlker Yıldız, Alper Talha Karadeniz
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:452-462
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Viewed: (40) times
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Research Article
Title: Son Üç Yılda Geliştirilen Metasezgisel Algoritmalar Hakkında Kısa Bir İnceleme
Authors: Yüksel Çelik, İlker Yıldız, Alper Talha Karadeniz
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:463-477
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Viewed: (41) times
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Research Article
Title: Türkiye'nin Tarımsal Kredi Performansının K-ortalamalar Kümeleme Algoritması ile Analizi
Authors: Zeynep Ceylan, Selin Sabuncu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:478-484
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Viewed: (61) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF
Research Article
Title: Improving classification performance for an imbalanced educational dataset example using SMOTE
Authors: Yavuz Ünal, Ahmet Sağlam, Osman Kayhan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:485-489
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Viewed: (35) times
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Research Article
Title: Kavşak Trafik Sinyalizasyon Kontrolü için Bulanık Mantık Yöntemi ile Gerçek Zamanlı Sistemin Tasarımı ve Uygulaması
Authors: Anas A. M. Harb, Akif Durdu, Hakan Terzioğlu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:490-497
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Viewed: (64) times
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Research Article
Title: ROS ve Gazebo Kullanarak Lidar Tabanlı Robot Tespit Görevinin Simülasyonu
Authors: Zahir Yılmaz, Levent Bayındır
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Special Issue (2019), Year: 2019, Volume: 2019, Issue: 0, (OCT 2019), pp:513-529
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Viewed: (39) times
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