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Volume: 2018, Issue Number: 13

Volume: 2018, Issue: 13 (18 Articles)

Research Article
Title: Fermente Süt Ürünlerinin İnsan Sağlığına Etkisi
Authors: Furkan Demirgül, Osman Sağdıç
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:45-53
DOI: -
Viewed: (62) times
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Research Article
Title: Otomotiv Endüstrisi için Bulanık Tabanlı Bir Yeşil Performans Değerlendirme Modeli
Authors: Murat Çolak, Ali İhsan Boyacı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:39-44
DOI: -
Viewed: (44) times
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Research Article
Title: Türkiye’de Deponi Alanlarının Sürdürülebilir Çevre Koruma ve Çevresel Etkilerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme
Authors: SEVDA Özel
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:31-38
DOI: -
Viewed: (53) times
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Research Article
Title: Yemekhane için Yapay Zeka Teknikleri Kullanımı ile Günlük Talep Tahmini
Authors: Fatih Kılıç, Murat Reis Akkaya, Nuran Memili
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:65-71
DOI: -
Viewed: (71) times
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Research Article
Title: İstanbul’da 8-9 Eylül 2009’da Meydana Gelen Aşırı Yağışın HARMONIE, HIRLAM ve WRF-ARW ile Simülasyonu
Authors: Hüseyin Toros, Abdullah Kahraman, Seyda Tilev-tanriover, Gertie Geertsema, Gerard Cats
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:1-12
DOI: -
Viewed: (38) times
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Research Article
Title: Nanoyapılı CuO İnce Filmlerin Bant Aralığının PEG Yüzey Aktif Maddesi Kullanılarak Kontrol Edilmesi
Authors: Halit Çavuşoğlu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:124-128
DOI: -
Viewed: (58) times
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Research Article
Title: İklim Koşullarının PV Panel Optimum Eğim Açısına Etkisi
Authors: Ali Ajder, Ali Durusu, İsmail Nakir
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:84-90
DOI: -
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Research Article
Title: Küçük Güçlü Rüzgâr Santrallerinin Kurulumu ve Şebekeye Etkilerinin Teknik ve Ekonomik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi: Uygulama Çalışması
Authors: Ali Erduman, Bedri Kekezoğlu, Ali Durusu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:112-117
DOI: -
Viewed: (42) times
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Research Article
Title: Blok Zinciri Teknolojisi: Kullanım Alanları, Açık Noktaları ve Gelecek Beklentileri
Authors: Ersin Ünsal, Ömer Kocaoğlu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:54-64
DOI: -
Viewed: (47) times
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Research Article
Title: Pediatrik Hasta Grubu Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Uygulamalarında Organ Dozlarının Hesaplanması
Authors: Ümit Kara
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:13-16
DOI: -
Viewed: (73) times
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Research Article
Title: Bütünleşik Bulanık AHP ve Bulanık TOPSIS Yöntemleri ile Stratejik Plan Hedeflerinin Önem Derecelerinin Belirlenmesi
Authors: Alper Kiraz, Onur Canpolat, Enes Furkan Erkan, Fatih Albayrak
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:72-76
DOI: -
Viewed: (33) times
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Research Article
Title: Bina İçi Radon Konsantrasyonlarının Belirlenmesi
Authors: Osman Günay, Serpil Aközcan, Feride Kulalı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:91-97
DOI: -
Viewed: (53) times
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Research Article
Title: Source-to-detector Distance Dependence of Efficiency and Energy Resolution of a 3"x3" NaI(Tl) Detector
Authors: Urkiye Akar Tarım, Orhan Gürler
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:103-107
DOI: -
Viewed: (62) times
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Research Article
Title: Bornoz Üretiminde Bir Operasyon İçin MTM Metodu (Metot Zamanlarının Ölçümü) İle Kronometre Yönteminin Karşılaştırılması
Authors: Mihriban Kalkancı
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:77-83
DOI: -
Viewed: (63) times
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Research Article
Title: Akan Veri Kümeleme Teknikleri Üzerine Bir Derleme
Authors: Ali Şenol, Hacer Karacan
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:17-30
DOI: -
Viewed: (50) times
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Research Article
Title: Yüksek Sıcaklıkta Uygulamalar için Kükürde Dayanıklı Perovskit Elektrokatalizörler
Authors: Sema Z. Baykara
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:98-102
DOI: -
Viewed: (36) times
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Research Article
Title: Ağlayankaya plaj kumlarında doğal radyoaktivite düzeylerinin ve radyolojik tehlike indekslerinin değerlendirilmesi
Authors: Kadir Günoğlu
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:118-123
DOI: -
Viewed: (54) times
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Research Article
Title: Simultaneous determination of alachlor, bifenox and nitrofen as herbicides in lake, municipal wastewater and soil samples by gas chromatography mass spectrometry
Authors: Emine Gülhan Bakırdere
Journal: European Journal of Science and Technology
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2018, Volume: 2018, Issue: 13, (AUG 2018), pp:108-111
DOI: -
Viewed: (36) times
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